In our house, when you need your diaper changed, you go to the chapel. it started months ago with a couple of singing cards that i had. The first was Boogie Fever, a birthday card from my sister, which proved to be a fantastic distraction for Una while we were changing her diaper. it sang a catchy little tune and had disco lights. We beat the piss out of it (hee hee), and then i found our replacement: a wedding card from my aunt sherry that sings Chapel of Love. It's been thru the war with one battery replacement and lots of packaging tape to hold it together. Una LOVES this song. She will sing it for show, like in the above video, but she mostly will sing it after she's told me that she's pooped. She'll say, "I poo pooed, " pat her butt, and then say "Chapel" and start belting out, "MAHWEED!" It's pretty darn cute. And who knew old cards could be so useful and educational.