We went to Gearhart to celebrate birthday month. We have lots of birthdays: Una and Renne on the 8th, Laurie on the 11th, Ted and my brother Matt on the 18th, and Jemiah and Poppa Dee Dee on the 29th. What better way to celebrate than with a relaxing 4 days at a gorgeous beach. we rented this awesome house that was on Ocean Ave with a view across the dunes to the Ocean.

The first day was really rainy.

We were still pretty darn happy to be here, despite the rain.

Una had some meltdowns. She's been having a tough couple of weeks.

But her and Nana spent lots of time playing Beauty Parlor.

The house rocked!

Dad made sausage and biscuits and homefries for breakfast.

Laurie joined us friday night.

Our path to the beach.

On the way into Gearhart.

At the Bakery.

Lots and lots of bananas.

Renne joined us saturday.

So did Alex, and she brought these gorgeous flowers for ted.

We also had sun. Glorious sun.

And lots of good food.

Sunset from our windows.

Una holding court, and handing out high 5's.

Alex is always a big hit.

Knock knock jokes...

Diggin' it.


Band shot.

Fairy Godmother.

Cozy with Grandpa D.

Downward Dogs.

Still a little scarred of the ocean.

Una was in awe of Renne.

Birthday rainbows.

A rare lovely moment, just the 2 of us.

The beach was amazing on this morning, our last one. I'd never seen the water out so far. and the low angled light made it look like it went for miles and mile.

View of our house.

One last time to the beach.

And then we had to ride the carousel.

Una's first time. She was amazed.

Judy rode the easter bunny.

Sally rode too. She told the operator, an older man, "That was the most fun i've had since i was 10." And he said, "Well, It's about time!"

What a great get-a-way. Thank you to Alex, Renne, and Laurie for joining us and for all the great food and lovely birthday gifts. Nana, Grandpa and Judy, we miss u! Now, we are off to Sequim to see Aunt Marian. xo.