Una Belle Crimson Sawyer just couldn't wait to make her debut and decided to grace us with her presence a month early. 5 lbs 11 ounces and 19" long, she was born at 7:03pm, Wednesday, April 8th on a full moon and on passover. i had been feeling extra tired and weighty for the 2 days before...a definite sense that something had shifted...but when i woke up wednesday morning and went to work, i never imagined that my day would end holding a beautiful brand new baby girl.
Despite the fact that she was only 35 weeks, i feel blessed to have had such an amazing labor and birth...it all happened pretty quick. my water broke at 11:50am at work, 10 mins after i had met with my boss about my maternity leave. By 2:30pm i was 2.5 cm and 75% effaced. At 4:30pm i was 7 cm and 90% effaced and by 6:30pm i was complete meaning 10 cm and 100% effaced and ready to push. My doctor, however, was at another hospital, and so we weren't sure if she'd make it. Plus, she really needed to be home from 7:30-11pm to watch her young kids. But she made it, and barely had time to get into her scrubs. I pushed for about 20 mins and Una came flying out. Ok, it wasn't easy and it sure did hurt, but due to the fact that i didn't use any drugs and breathed through it all, i'd call it pretty darn lucky.
Also, Ted was simply amazing, wonderful and supportive. For most of the labor it was just the two of us up until close to the end when our nurse Bree joined us for the end of the transition period and then called the doctor. Ted was by my side the whole time, coaching me, supporting me and just being there which made all the difference. He was the one who told me that it was a girl (i couldn't believe it and said, "Are you sure?") and also cut the cord. It was all very euphoric.
So over the course of the last two days, i've watched my husband fall head-over-heels ga-ga in love with our little girl. I knew he would and he has become such a fabulous dad already. Her first day was a little rough with lots of tests that involved her getting poked with needles (unfortunately, she has my veins which tend to be evasive) and he was with her every moment, never letting her out of our sights, soothing her, and letting her know he was there. She totally calms down to his voice and touch. It's incredible to witness.
As far as her name, i found Una in an Edward Gorey book and just fell in love with it. It obviously means "one" but also means "friend" in Celtic. Belle is for Ted's sister Anne (it's what his mom calls her). Crimson is ted's invention, and is fitting as the daughter of a man in love with color. Plus, her whole body turns this color when she gets upset. pretty crazy.
What an adventure! I think its a good thing i had no idea it was going to happen so soon as childbirth has always freaked me out. i never thought i could do it! But Una is amazing, and we both feel unbelievably blessed and incredibly joyful and content, even though our hearts have been eternally stolen.
Wow!! If Una doesn't have the most perfect little baby face I have ever seen, I don't know who does. Gerber babe look out! Congratulations to all three of you. Good work on the labor, Tara! That sounds wild and fast and unexpected but you rolled with it. I am so happy to hear you are all healthy and home. Much love to you all and kisses and support, Susie
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story! She is a darling! - Evie
ReplyDeleteAwesome! She is so beautiful, and it's great to hear your new parent gush. I am sure Lily would love to meet Una sometime soon! Let us know when you're ready. :) xoxoxo