
Scenes from PA

on the steps of my dad's house (formally my grandma gretta's house).

Ted, Una, Johnny, Asten and Matt

My dad recently hired a man to carve a picture of my grandma gretta and my grandpa scrib into a walnut tree out behind the garage. It is a photo of them as a young couple. The artist carved the image with a chain saw. pretty crazy.
Me and Spike, my mom's horse. He's my favorite out of the 15 horses that she owns because 1. he's super sweet and friendly even though he's a young stallion and 2. he's a palomino. i'm kinda into palominos...to the extent that i'm into horses anymore which isn't much. No time, too expensive.
My cousin Todd came up to see my dad and us and we had a lovely dinner out in my dad's rose garden. Was lots of fun!

Stormy, my dad's 16 year old cat.

Our room at my dad's which aunt shirley hooked up for us with baby gear. i love this crib which was my cousin carla's. The room is super big and cozy. every time i stay in it, i remember when i stayed over as a young kid with the ex-neighbor kids who were in for a visit. One of them was named Pooky. I can't remember the rest of their names, but they were like the brady bunch.

Matt made us homemade ice cream on saturday night. Super yum vanilla.

Ice cream eaters!

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