While Ted was in Santa Fe for work, Una and i took our first solo road trip to Bend to visit Kristin, Lee, Elia and Thane. It's a 3.5 hour drive, gorgeous but hot and i was a bit stressed out having never done a drive with Una for this long. I was hoping she'd sleep most of the way, but she only made it a third of the way asleep. But, i bribed her with veggie chips and we got there eventually with minor freak outs. It was worth it though. We had so much fun. Una especially had a great time. She went swimming for the first time and liked it alot despite dunking herself accidentally a few times. I think she's a natural. She also liked the fountain we visited. Actually, she was pretty pumped about it, despite being in the shade. And then there was the 3 mile river hike along the Deschutes. Gorgeous country. Una slept through most of it which was good because that was the sunny part and i could keep her shaded in her pack. She was kinda heavy by the end though, i have to admit. We then got our toes dunked and played with the brazen baby duck family.
Una's language is really taking off. She was saying Thane and Elia, both of which are not easy, and boo boo and elbow and hegemony...ok, maybe not hegemony. But you get the idea. Thane was also feeding Una strawberries and red peppers and Una ate more new stuff while we were there than she has ever. Nothing like a little peer pressure.
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