Barrette Girl
Adventureland at Laurie and Nancy's pad
Isaak, Serra and Una
Una, Patty and Nolan

Watching Muppets
You did turn your clocks ahead, right?
Alot has been happening lately, and the blog has obviously been suffering. Una gave up napping...except for when she falls asleep once in a while in the car. Oh. Joy. She's completely obsessed with watching Robots (an animated kids movie complete with plenty of jokes for the adults) or Sean the Sheep or the Muppets or "Gee" (Glee) as a last attempt to sucker mommy into putting ANYTHING on. I started taking sewing classes in january and have been loving it. I'm determined to learn to sew properly. So far, i've made an apron, a robe and pajamas (because that's the class), but i can't wait to make Una some clothes and a big furry coat! I walk by the faux fur section on my way to class and it's hard not to day dream about what i might make out of it.
But, the biggest thing on the horizon is the Eastside Co-Op. We were lucky to find them and start the interviewing process early enough so that it looks like Una will start going in the next few weeks. We are all really excited about it. Una loves it, and i think it will also be really good for ted and I as well. The people that we have met are all lovely, and there is a really great vibe being in the space with them. As they say, "It takes a village," and it's true. i totally get it now. i totally get why people move home to be with their families when they have kids. Because having kids is REALLY hard! And that's not something people generally talk about before you decide to have a baby. They don't talk about the emotional rollarcoaster, or the incredible challenge it truly is, or the strain it puts on your relationship, or the isolation that you as parents can feel. So, for the three of us, it's going to be a great community builder.
It's also a big commitment. You have to do it for at least a year, help out on a committee, attend a meeting once a month and clean and babysit once every couple months. But it's totally worth it, and i'm really excited to see how the experience will help shape our daily life. I can already see how it is positively influencing Una. She has became a lot more social with kids and adults, and is a lot more capable of taking care of herself. We were there today, and at one point she had crawled up on one of the big rocking horses that they have, holding a toy tea cup in her hand as if she was casually out for a ride and a refreshment. Then I watched her successfully climb off by herself. I know that sounds simple, but i didn't know she could do it without taking a tumble. I still don't trust her to walk down most steps by herself, so these are the little triumphs we celebrate. Anyways, stay tuned. I'm sure there will be more stories and photos of our adventures there in the near future.
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