Oh man! Una and i had so much fun with our co-op friends. We went to Oaks Bottom, Una's first amusement park experience. they have special hours for the wee ones to enjoy the park. it was a perfect way to spend the morning. Growing up with Hershey Park, this place is like stepping back in time, and must be what Hershey Park was like in it's beginnings. It's really old fashioned, more like a fair, and set amongst the big old oak trees along the willamette river. Lots of picnic tables, a chu chu train ride, a dance pavillion and pay as you go rides if you like. the carrousel will turn 100 years old next year and is on the historic register. No surprise to me, Una ended up being the dare-devil of the group. She shrieked with delight on the spinning boat thing that made all us parents sickish. She went on the roller coaster twice...and the big slide. It reminded me of her aunt astey, who was a fearless child. When we went on rides together, i'd be screaming in terror and she'd be screaming out of pure joy...and there's 10 years between us.
First solo expedition. Hattie in the co-pilot seat.
The cars.

Here comes trouble...Hattie, Mirabelle and Una.

Una rode the carrousel twice. First time a horsey. Second time she opted for the froggy.

Ya gotta.

New shoes.

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