Miss Una is growing up fast. Yesterday, we did some tummy time, and she was able to lift her head all the way up and look around! It's a little thing that makes such a big impression on momma and nana sally, who is here visiting for the week. Una also had her first real meltdown in public...at the grocery store. She really didn't want to be in the stroller any more...and who could blame her with our oregon heat wave. It's hot here, well, hot for oregon. Una's third accomplishment is story time. Just this past week she started paying attention and looking at the pictures when you read to her. How cool is that? She especially liked "Are You My Mother?" and kept looking for the little baby bird and would laugh. I wonder if she's going to want to bury her nose in books and become obsessed with the smell of paper like her momma.
In a few weeks, we will be traveling back east to see family, and Una will have a chance to show off all her new skills. And some day she'll have a sweet bike. What are you going to do today, Una Belle? Anything i feel like, GOSH!
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