speaking of cute wrappings...today's photo session was inspired by this sweet little color combination...i got the dress for 5 bucks at one of portland's many "don't dare step foot inside this place unless you want to leave with something" store. I was a sucker for the dress, not only because it was 5 bucks, but also because it's yellow and made of eyelet and those two things are so nostalgic of my childhood...the glorious '70's! The sweater is one of our latest gifts of love made by our friend Pam and we do love it.
one other thing, totally not related to Una or babies. Ted and i went out to the movies on sunday night and saw 9. I enjoyed it although ted thought it was a little cheesy...the animation, however, is incredible. Anyways, i visited the restroom after the show....so just think of what you normally do when you visit the restroom, i don't have to spell it out for you, but it includes typically not checking first to see if there is any TP. So when that time came i went to grab some and found that someone had so thoughtfully left some in between the 2 empty rolls. how sweet is that?! it was especially sweet after seeing a movie that was about the end of humanity, so i paid it forward and replenished the supply by grabbing a healthy amount of squares from the next stall over. TP fairy...whoever you are...i want to thank you.
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