
And She Walked!

Miss Una Belle Crimson decided to take her first steps today at Book Babies at the Hollywood Library. She was walking around the room holding my finger and waving at everyone, and at some point, she just decided to let go. She walked about five steps and then stood still right in front of a group of mommies. I told them this was the first time she walked and they all started cooing and praising her. She looked mighty proud of herself and then got all bashful. While i don't have photos of the actual milestone, here she is calling all her friends to tell them the news.


  1. Oh boy, she's off and pretty soon will be running everywhere. Get on your track shoes, Mom and Dad!

  2. that's so funny...grandpa D said the exact same thing!

  3. ok, i don't know what is more amazing: una walking or that you STILL have that same cell phone! either way I am amazed! and that 4th picture is stunning.

  4. dude, i still have the same hairdryer from 7th grade. what do you expect?
