We went to Tent Rocks National Monument which is located 45 minutes from Albuquerque. It is a spectacular 1.5 mile hike through windblown canyons, which then step up 630 ft to the top where you can get a pretty good view of the surrounding landscape. Ted, Judy, Timmy, Mr. Tim and I enjoyed this little adventure very much. It was absolutely beautiful, and i could hardly take a step without wanting to take a photograph. I felt like i was in the land of the giant whirling dervishes, and with the high altitude, it was quite dizzying. It was also the farthest in distance and longest in time that i've been away from Una, and i was surprised how hard that was. But she had a lovely time back at the Hacienda with Nana Sally...and it was good for us to get away. It really felt like vacation, as Ted and I hadn't done something like this for a while, maybe since we were in Yosemite post-wedding back in August 2008. The top wasn't half-dome, but it was quite windy and narrow and a bit nerve racking for me. I'm not a big fan of heights, though i usually challenge myself to experience them.
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