We went berry picking with our Co-op out on Sauvie's Island at Kruger Farms. It was a gorgeous day, and the kids (and the adults) had a great time. Strawberries. We picked (and grazed) Strawberries. They also had some pigs and chickens. Una and Ksenia had a great time running back and forth to the chicken coop and the pig pen together.


Baby Mason
Ksenia, Wade, and Hattie

Love the hat, and the glasses, Ksenia!

Ellen and Hattie

Zane, Olivia and Natasha

Ellen and Hattie

Hope and Olivia

Note the appropriately themed attire on una.

Stephan, Nikolai, and Nastia
Elena and Isaac

Julie and Mirabelle

Nikolai and Una
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