i let Una pick out her clothes this day...including the fishnets on the hands.

This two thing is pretty crazy. It keeps you on your toes. The other day i was thinking to myself how thankful i am that Una has been such a reasonable and relatively calm little "terrible two-er." She doesn't have alot of meltdowns, you can tell her what you need from her and most of the time she responds well. And she says, "Fankyou, Mommy!" all the time for all kinds of things, like when i help her get on her shoes, or if i give her a bowl of cheerios. It's so darling. Sometimes, she jumps the gun a little and says it before the request is even fulfilled. Like, she'll say, "I want cookies, fankyou mommy!" And it's really hard not to fulfill the request, even if it's inappropriate, because it's so darn cute and sincere. I think, "Damn, she's really putting on the pressure." Anyways, so yeah, she's been totally great. And then, the other morning she woke up and it was like all hell broke loose. There was a lot of "I want! I want!" and a lot of screaming even before i could even react to anything she was saying. And then, the classic terrible two meltdowns over everything and nothing. Suddenly, she didn't want to do anything, like change the diaper, or have some quiet time. however, this little two-er has one weakness. Music. I can say, "we need to change your diaper." and i get the big, "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" But if i start singing, "Follow me to diaper change, diaper change, diaper change (to the tune of mary had a little lamb), she instantly starts singing and follows me right in the room. It's like the Pied Piper. I'm even shocked sometimes, and thankful, for how well it works. Una is in LOVE with music. she sings constantly. She loves circle time at co-op, and she even started the kids singing, "Put your toes on the line on the line!" the other day, i was told, which is what the parents sing to get the kids ready to go outside. my little music freak, i love you.
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