
Baby Einstein

Una looking like she's trapped inside a giant plastic venus fly trap...and also looking a lot like Aunt Belle in this photo!

I found a used older model of the Baby Einstein jumper on craig's list for $35 which is pretty sweet. A couple of our friends have this toy for their babies and they love it, so we decided to follow suit, mostly because Una has been wanting to bounce all the time anyways and i think this toy will help her build some strength and fine motor skills.  However, as you might know, Ted and i are NOT big fans of bright plastic battery operated noisy toys that tend to be over stimulating. So, just in case you are wondering, we don't need any more of them!  One is certainly enough. (i just wanted to put our disclaimer out there with christmas on it's way!) 

1 comment:

  1. wow! that's a crazy contraption. can't wait to see her in it in person. xoxo
