What i've noticed most about cooking is that you really start to form a more intimate relationship with food. You find yourself craving fresh foods over the processed or quick fix foods. It also gives you a sense of empowerment...that you are able to feed yourself well. A "duh" concept, but one of those things you just don't pay attention to, especially because i grew up during the feminist movement, where common household chores like cooking, cleaning and sewing where looked at as a way to imprison a fine lady who is being robbed of a career. And that certainly was true in many cases, but i'm glad that as a mom of the millenio's, we can see the value in these skills along with a new respect and appreciation for women who are either in the work place or fortunate enough to stay at home with their kids. That's just what's been rolling around in my head lately.
P.S. i'm not taking my computer to seattle in order to cut down on crap that i have to drag with us...but will post photos when we get back on sunday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and especially to my family back east. I miss u!
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