
Trains, Trains, Trains

My dad volunteered to be the engineer at the Hershey Historical Society during it's christmas trains display. So we went to see him. Above is a photo of Una and Grandpa with figures of Milton Hershey and his wife, Katherine. The display was really cool and included 4 different trains. Plus, there were various buttons you could push that would activate displays like the horse races or the circus or the ice skaters. My dad had a mini christmas tree this year, and i got him a mini train to put under it, which made us think how we'd like to start a tradition of putting a train under the tree. Ted said they use to do that when he was a kid. Ted's dad is a big train buff, so there ya go, grandpa Tim....get your trains ready for next christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas! Love the photos of you, Daryl, in your role as model train engineer. We're already planning our set-up for next Christmas.

    Grandpa Tim
